The Separation Science & Technology Lab. (‘SS&T Lab.’) was created in 2009 at the ‘Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon‘ (‘FCUL’) and is composed by two research laboratories, namely, the ‘Chromatography & Capillary Electrophoresis Lab.‘ (‘Laboratório de Cromatografia & Electroforese Capilar’) and the ‘Hydrometallurgical Separations Lab.‘ (‘Laboratório de Separação Hidrometalúrgica’). The common goal of our group is the development of new approaches to implement chemical separation techniques. The scientific work carried out by our group is based on two different research lines:
i) The development of novel analytical chemistry strategies to monitor trace levels of priority compounds in complex matrices (‘Chromatography & Capillary Electrophoresis Lab.’);
ii) New advances in liquid-liquid extraction systems with hydrometallurgical interest, in particular on the recovery of several metal ions from complex chloride matrices (‘Hydrometallurgical Separations Lab.’).
Since 2019, ‘SS&T Lab.’ is integrated into the ‘Chemistry for the Environment‘ (‘Chem4Env’) group at the ‘Centro de Química Estrutural‘ (‘CQE@FCUL’) of the ‘University of Lisbon’, currently part of the Associated Laboratory, ‘Institute of Molecular Sciences‘ (‘IMS’).